@mcmanusducksong Ah never mind, this comment clears that up news.ycombinator.com/item?id=134…

@SandieCrowley And now this convo is also preserved forever and ever… tweets.kingkool68.com/tweet/8248…

I’m not a fan of Reddit’s mobile app. It feels clunky. It’s supposed to be for reading text. How do you screw that up? twitter.com/alexisohanian/status…

@sandiecrowley @cdharrison I suppose. But there are things like this. I don’t think he’s too worried about archives trumptwitterarchive.com/

memorization or pen and paper is how most in U.S. keep track of online passwords pewrsr.ch/2jkpeGV t.co/pkS7dIsD7R

Something about @NASA’a new spacesuit design … looks kind of familiar. gizmodo.com/nasas-new-astronaut-… #SPACESHIP

Via @ppk talking about input=”date” widgets medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/…

@ckrewson Let’s see if he is so inclined to take a flight of stairs washingtonpost.com/news/powerpos…

@renan I mean this was pretty funny twitter.com/tedcruz/status/82404…

If you see something, save something. Use Save Page Now to save URLs at archive.org/web/ t.co/AtHn0UhREo

Lol this good. twitter.com/tedcruz/status/82404…

Happy feet. #ZadieAlyssa #happy #loop instagram.com/p/BPp9Ac6jE_D/

Apparently this was a thing… legiscan.com/MD/bill/HB82/2015

Or you could just use overflow: auto/hidden; on the container ¯_(ツ)_/¯ twitter.com/rachelandrew/status/…

When I was a boy, browsing the web in PDF form was just a beautiful dream. Now, it’s science fact! internetdotpdf.biz/