HTML5 Boiler Plate nginx server configs for better server performance github.com/h5bp/server-configs-n…
HTML5 Boiler Plate nginx server configs for better server performance github.com/h5bp/server-configs-n…
HTML5 Boiler Plate Apache Server Configs for better server performance github.com/h5bp/server-configs-a…
Google Page Insights can also help. More user friendly. Not as granular.
Chrome extension to launch the current URL on WebPageTest.org chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…
webpagetests.org will help you debug performance issues with your site.
EasyEngine.io is a software script to install server software, modules, and WordPress on a server easy. Sysadmin in a box
Hosting super fast WordPress websites on a budget; staring in 10 minutes at the developer room! Slides at bit.ly/lew1wcavl #WCAVL
Angular vs Backbone vs React vs Ember gist.github.com/makmanalp/9b7f50…
– WordPress’ Calypso uses React github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso
– Good way to get into React
wordexpress.io/ is WordPress using Node.js, Express, and React. Super bleeding edge. #WCAVL
Slides for JS Framework Showdown slides.com/julienmelissas/js-fra… #WCAVL
puri.sm/ is the Apple equivalent of Linux laptops. Combine with elementaryOS elementary.io/ #WCAVL
Good morning #WCAVL! Glad to be here. Talking about WordPress search at 10am in the developer track. Updated slides: kingkool68.com/searching-for-a-b…
“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” twitter.com/breakingnews/status/…
@caolan Source: github.com/kingkool68/zadieheiml… and github.com/kingkool68/zadieheiml…
@caolan Example: This is how the infinite scroll works on zadieheimlich.com/ and how galleries work zadieheimlich.com/easter-2016/ga…
@joannabrenner If you’re on a Mac sequelpro.com/ is how I learned.
Happy “Learn How To Scrape Instagram Because They’re Restricting Their API” Day!
265 children died from accidental gunshot wounds in 2015—should the parents be held accountable??? twitter.com/seanhannity/status/7…
Just don’t, kids. twitter.com/simevidas/status/736…
Web developer, musician (@theorchid), photographer, author, community organizer emeritus (@refreshdc), and suspect patent holder.