@Jennison @jfc3 @Nethermind @pauljadam @karlgroves How #a11y friendly is this code color syntax sample? is.gd/z9wsHe
@Jennison @jfc3 @Nethermind @pauljadam @karlgroves How #a11y friendly is this code color syntax sample? is.gd/z9wsHe
Obamacare in a nutshell. #fb reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/c…
@kingkool68 errr link to the last Tweet. addyosmani.com/blog/improved-dev…
look at this hipster twitpic.com/a1hcxa
Some interesting, transparent user testing of the WordPress admin UI: make.wordpress.org/ui/2012/06/22…
iOS Blog: Facebook Abandoning HTML5 to Speed Up iOS App macrumo.rs/MwYUVw
Cell Phone Internet use in 2012: 55% of U.S. adults use their phone to go online pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Cel…
@nekolaweb Start with mac.github.com/ read the Git Pro Book git-scm.com/book
Just bought tickets for Louis CK’s show at the Kennedy Center in February. I’m taking Kristina on a date. ping.fm/eBxs0
@Whitmoyer But if you’re looking for recent slides about security I would take a look at slideshare.net/williamsba/wordpr… from earlier this month.
@Whitmoyer And here are @nacin’s notes from his talk nacin.com/2010/09/11/wcma-resour…
@Whitmoyer @nacin These are the WordPress security slides from @williamsba from WordCamp Mid-Atlantic slideshare.net/williamsba/now-th…
@lekkerduidelijk Placehold.it and dummyimage.com use the same script.
@farrelley I’ve heard good things about amazon.com/gp/product/B0049YQVHE…
I’m at Madhatter (Washington, DC) w/ 3 others 4sq.com/Kq2CwM
@trepmal Apply for our job. You’re a sure in pewresearch.org/docs/?DocID=1003… (Sorry we don’t have any ducks, goats or other farmland creatures here)
ping.fm/DZoNt is awesome gor quick little network diagrams. Best of all it spits out PNG, SVG, & XML versions. Yay data portability!
Spectacular visualization by @pewresearch of the rising Asian American population in the US ds.io/LCWK9d Made w/ #TileMill + MapBox
@MikeNGarrett I bought givemealist.com/ to build a little app that does the same thing but you can build your own templates etc. One day
Why links should never say ‘click here’ bit.ly/KPaazc
Editor @theatlantic
// past: co-founder @voxdotcom
// cuban / he/him / I ❤️ you