Kristin A’s birthday lunch. (@ Elevation Burger w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/M3Y9Vk
Kristin A’s birthday lunch. (@ Elevation Burger w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/M3Y9Vk
I just unlocked the “16 Candles” badge on @foursquare! Hip hip hooray! 4sq.com/JpEuvW
Tiggzi.com looks neat for building a simple mobile app. #dcjq
@trepmal check out ustream.tv/user/fathomTV in 20 minutes.
I’m at Fathom Creative (Washington, DC) w/ 2 others [pic]: 4sq.com/IFTnsE
49% of Americans saving zilch for retirement. money.cnn.com/2012/05/10/retirem…
Old People Icons That Don’t Make Sense Anymore j.mp/IDt0nn
I’m at Fathom Creative w/ @anthonydpaul [pic]: 4sq.com/LRRIof
I’m at ChurchKey w/ @farrelley [pic]: 4sq.com/KRnZGy
dummyimage.com should be showing up again. Now with a stupid ‘www’ added.
US President Barack Obama declares support for same-sex marriage – @ABC yhoo.it/IUw69S
This would make an awesome pet ping.fm/9PgaQ
@MikeNGarrett Like this? sharpshirter.com/Mens-Haymaker-T…
dummyimage.com finally overloaded my shared Dreamhost account. Ooops. Upping to a VPS.
Slides from @benbalter ‘s WordPress DC talk ping.fm/1U6zu #wpdc
Did you ever win at old Windows Solitaire, then wait to see if the cards would cover every speck of green background? kly.me/z
@WordPressDC Will be streaming live on fathomTV bit.ly/IKRZTw #WordPress #DC #Meetups @nacin @anthonydpaul @aaronjorbin @kingkool68
Jorbin’s nose. (@ Fathom Creative w/ 3 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/Jutf4d
Check out this month’s event: “The nclud Redesign: Our Site Will Crash Your Box” hosted at @nclud refreshdc-may2012.eventbrite.com
A community of web designers, developers, and other new media professionals in the DMV. Organizers: @jgarber, @whistle, @rochellefp. eepurl.com/bnOgmH