Tomorrow at @fathomgallery 7pm, @kingkool68 will be presenting at @dcjquery on sticky headers: is.gd/UAwviM
Tomorrow at @fathomgallery 7pm, @kingkool68 will be presenting at @dcjquery on sticky headers: is.gd/UAwviM
@mpiccorossi @aenean_ RT @RWW How To Rank Highly on Google News [study] is.gd/9E5L9K
@farrelley A List Apart Survey -> is.gd/cHJKHH
@tomkrej is.gd/bX78fC Shortcuts -> is.gd/bX78fC/halfpage is.gd/JLsgzt etc.
That quote comes from is.gd/FgWskE by @snookca
I love Date.js ping.fm/KUUkZ
@mikekus Beware of -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; is.gd/75m5uL
@nclud @desandro Time bug in your 10K entry cl.ly/1R090z1u2q2h180B1X1J Well I’m assuming you want the time displayed to be correct…
@SawatdeeRuck @seclarke Something like this… is.gd/f1Wnx5
Fav feature in WP 3.3: wp_editor() “Plugins will be able to use the WP editor anywhere including the Visual/HTML tabs” bit.ly/rllkdH
IE7.js is.gd/SipLyQ #ietrenches @refreshdc @esamek
This is what my Facebook Timeline looks like pi.pe/-11kea8 #fb #f8
@trepmal There’s also this: is.gd/aipNvF
@trepmal is.gd/Wn5M2M or just use is.gd/u5o0NN for icons like I would do
Facebook installs 4,680 servers every business day. Holy crap. moderngeekdad.com/mind-blowing-f… #moderngeekdad
@pauljadam YES! Also feel free to test the accessibility of is.gd/MdRIqq or is.gd/17lh2y
@booboozela This is how you look like in my mind… is.gd/gLlJD1
Hey! I am talking about supporting IE6 tomorrow at @refreshDC Come out! eventbrite.com/event/2185749636
AT&T gave $963,275 in political donations to 99 of 100 lawmakers that endorsed T-Mobile bid – @BloombergNews bloom.bg/mVhYec
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