Tuesday @kingkool68 will present about “Understanding your Audience” and a genius bar will help answer your questions: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
Oops. Here’s a photo from last years victim picasaweb.google.com/m/viewer#ph…
Random… @BreakingNews: Internet domain company Go Daddy sold to private investment firms for $2.25 billion – AP bit.ly/jBvjwF
Cue sad trombone RT @BreakingNews: Specific Media to buy Myspace for $35 Million dthin.gs/jHwpMw
RT @sparksheet: Print in Digital Clothing: The Problem with Magazine Apps bit.ly/mLuS52
[Video Demo] How ARIA landmark roles help screen reader users – Léonie Watson youtube.com/watch?v=IhWMou12_Vk&… #a11y
@mpiccorossi m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=how+… I wouldn’t eat that all at once
WordPress local dev tips: DB & plugins: wp.me/p56-ap
someone asked me what programming was like. I came up with an analogy I’m quite proud of. pastebin.com/4BAhcjqU
Say What? Google Works to Improve YouTube Auto-Captions for the Deaf: Scientific … – bit.ly/kcFWzZ via @sciam
@budesigns @ericlbarnes here’s a list of all the dummyimage sites I know about. Take your pick russellheimlich.com/blog/list-of…
@krwebber1 threadless.com be prepared for next time!
Rode Podcaster USB mic is an awesome choice for upping your audio quality on the cheap amazon.com/gp/product/B000JM46FY… #convergese
As promised! Slasher, a Chrome extension to replace slashes with images of Slash. github.com/timcheadle/slasher #convergese
@kingkool68 I uploaded your attendee geo data to @myheatmap #convergese bit.ly/kzo2L1
USA Today is hiring a web designer. You’d get to have the AWESOME @blanksky as your boss – authenticjobs.com/jobs/8420/web-…
I’m lookin 4 a job. who wants me? web-dev/rails/sw-architect/manager moco or metro-red prefered linkedin.com/in/tonyprimerano [email protected]
My latest SlideShare upload : Video Captioning on the Web slidesha.re/jMbkT0
BBQ photos, thanks to @farrelley! flickr.com/photos/farrelley/sets… $bbq #ossbbq @wordpressdc @dcjquery @dcphp @fathomgallery #wpdc