@bradtaunt Back in the day I used to post to my WordPress blog via email. I could use T-Mobile’s SMS to email gateway to post to it from my phone that didn’t have a mobile data plan but did have a bucket of SMS messages.
This entire post was pecked into my phone russellheimlich.com/blog/google-…
I Bought 300 Emoji Domain Names From Kazakhstan and Built an Email Service: tinyprojects.dev/projects/mailoj…
New Post! 🎉 How I built Mailoji and how much it made. This was an absolute adventure. t.co/Gb127LbHKm
Monkeying around between virtual classes. Such a nice day outside today!
@Seglegs @ListenBrainz Here is one github.com/metabrainz/listenbrai…
Just published a small utility website: photo16x9.com
It lets you easily take a short and wide image, couple of lines of text for instance, and pad it out into the aspect ratio 16×9, so people can easily read the entire text without clicking the image.
@ajohnagnello @freshyill It’s legit buggy in certain places youtu.be/Po-mwFaz37Y
I believe the more modern expression should be ” DON’T MAKE ME SOUND LIKE A 12 HOUR LOOP OF EPIC SAX GUY!”
@luke__duncan Did you check out the Whale Moan room? twitter.com/RavinaRawal/status/1…
Every other day when the kids don’t finish them… twitter.com/Bro_Pair/status/1369…
OVH data center burns down knocking major sites offline – @Ax_Sharma
@QuinnyPig typefully.app/ is a thing I learned about to compose threads
Just updated my personal sites. So easy! twitter.com/WordPress/status/136…
@RichardW_Dev @elyktrix @aalmiray This looks to take DM intros one step further. twitter.com/m1guelpf/status/1369…
Skateboarding mdskate.russellheimlich.com/ twitter.com/new/status/136932675…
recorded a screencast of my recent visit to your single page application youtube.com/watch?v=J3pF2jkQ4vc
TIL that CloudFront charges more for HTTPS than HTTP.
WTAF? No! twitter.com/QuinnyPig/status/136… t.co/Jsu8I40PH4
@NishaChittal I tend to recommend a good 5 pound Sweedish variety…
“I would propose to skip skip links. It makes much more sense to start each page with the content people expect on that page. And if you really need navigation [..] you can add it in the footer. Which is the correct place for metadata anyway.” –@vasilis