gop.com/ features more images of Democrats than Republicans
gop.com/ features more images of Democrats than Republicans
@blakehounshell LOL and on their site they just stuck a memo on top of the old 2016 platform gop.com/platform/
@bluehost It’s Daddy’s job and what powers your website zadieheimlich.com
Dr. Perky is my doc twitter.com/cloe_song/status/129…
Turbo Pascal in Highschool –> Microsoft Excel –> HTML –> CSS –> JavaScript –> PHP –> MySQL –> server admin stuff like nginx/Apache/Redis –> AWS twitter.com/laasrinadiaa/status/…
@jackyalcine @zachleat Peak 2006 aesthetic right here russellheimlich.com/
@bpeebles What is Fish Police?
Fred’s aesthetic really inspired me in 2000 when éS Menekemati came out.
You should see his stuff on instagram instagram.com/frenchfred twitter.com/AP_Magazine/status/9…
Our weekends are less packed and we’re able to slow down and appreciate more time with family twitter.com/rands/status/1297332…
@laurynaslevi @rileyj_s Got lucky with super sweet girls. I think they think of him as a really awesome baby doll
@MKBHD Remember when this was the Twitter logo twitter.com/mulegirl/status/5790…
@cirapress @aaronjorbin I like @JJJ’s response on the Trac ticket core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5…
i don’t know who needs to see this but
it’s beautiful 🥲
i have no idea when this came into existence
or i just live under a rock
@mattcampux Like del.icio.us ?
This is the weirdest sales pitch pricing calculator I’ve ever seen fastly.com/pricing/savings-calcu…
@allisongrayce Can confirm. cadenheimlich.com/instagram/3-we…
This is a joke but the project in this comic is CURL…..and it’s literally been maintained by ONE person in Sweden for the last 20 YEARS 🥴 onezero.medium.com/the-internet-… twitter.com/xkcdComic/status/129…
@tapps As long as you’re above 760 you’ll get the best credit rates according to Experian. But trying to nail a perfect score is way more fun.
i’ve been furloughed recently, i’m looking for some side projects/freelance opportunities that require copy 👀 i’m open to creating new copy, or editing preexisting copy. maybe even a few articles 🤞🏼 pls rt it would help a TON
portfolio → janjirasun.com/
✍️ New Article: The Just in Case Mindset in CSS
I wrote about a thing I call “The Just in case”, which can help us think ahead and avoid some potential CSS issues. Hope you will find it useful!
CSS Bugs Hunter • UX • Front End • Writing a book about Debugging CSS debuggingcss.com • Writing on ishadeed.com, a11ymatters.com, and rtlstyling.com.