@yurivictor “Headstone Heimlich” SUCCESS!
When your AngularJS app has a JS error… or why the web works great with actual HTML #friendsdontletfriendsuseangular
Professional photo from my photoshoot with @MeCookieMonster and @AbbyCadabbySST #ona14
@parsely met one of your team members at #ona14 who was interested in my @getnarrative clip
Future-proof programming #Windows10
The longest line at #ONA14 by orders of magnitude is the one to meet Cookie Monster.
WTF is wrong with IBM?!
“JSONx is an IBM standard format to represent JSON as XML pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wsdat…”
Me and @jcmanolo hanging out at #ONA14 engaging in brandzzz and collecting mad followers.
Unlocking every iPhone at once
Remember, love thy developers. Just say yes to analytics today when upgrading to iOS8. We don’t get anything creepy.
Fill in the blank and I’ll tell you your age
composer.io aims to be a replacement for Ping.fm. Seeing how this works…
Earlier today ‘Google indexes itself, indexing itself, indexing others’ news.ycombinator.com/item?id=829…
Big news: Polar (& I) are joining Google!
Design process: Junior designer vs Senior designer
jesus christ fish have somehow acquired money and are spending it on convincing us to eat them on twitter
How big is Africa?
9am – The time when east coasters tweet about dropping off their kids at school.
Whoa there new, flatter, material design Chrome for Android update.
Do you have 100 seconds to be delighted by @maymothedog with 100 fruits/veggies on his head? youtube.com/watch?v=uDJEyAVZM80 t.co/sBN1obSyIR