My county votes overwhelmingly in favor of gay marriage. MARYLAND RULES.

My county votes overwhelmingly in favor of gay marriage. MARYLAND RULES.
Big websites need smarter work, not more work. – @danielmall #wdd2012
Not only we constantly interrupted at work, we’re switching our entire focus every 10min @gmark6 #InboxLove
Take our new Political Party Quiz and find out where you fit along the partisan spectrum pewrsr.ch/OAdpc3
Well played, search.usa.gov. utf8=✓ t.co/xoEV1zT0
Carousels. Great. #aea
Thanks to my heart rate monitor, you can see the moment at the gym where I realized I didn’t have my wallet t.co/pO38OvhO
Our WordPress wizards hats for WordCamp Fayetteville! #WCFay
This just makes me sad. #oreo #gaypride
well played, internet.
Of all the names you could have picked for your Christian book shop you went and chose this one.
I’m #StronglyAttractedTo #WhyImFatExcuses so please Get Me Out Of Here! #StuffHoodRatsDreamAbout Am I trending yet?
Panorama view, from our walk this morning, of the trail leading from the National Harbor to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge!
Talking about our “coding faces” and I’m pretty sure @kingkool68 has everyone beat #fb #gacdcSS
Trying out Seesmic ping.
@SinaBahram Your :hover states cause the navigation to go jumpy in Chrome on OSX.
Just casually taking your 27″ iMac into starbucks.. t.co/RpZXJKce
Merry Christmas! Much love from the Heimlich’s.