Blondie babies. Me (1985), Vera (2018)
#VeraAddison #tbt #blondes instagram.com/p/Bm0kJmtHbGf/

Blondie babies. Me (1985), Vera (2018)
#VeraAddison #tbt #blondes instagram.com/p/Bm0kJmtHbGf/
88888 on 08/18/18 instagram.com/p/Bmox32Pnm-O/
DOOM 2 mod Annie launches after 12 years in development buff.ly/2KWlREb
#odometer instagram.com/p/BmUzRCwnZLx/
Next up @kingkool68 talks about managing images at scale in WordPress #wcpub
🌃 #wcpub instagram.com/p/BmPmJ_eHhNe/
Bean there, done that. instagram.com/p/BmPKJjCHxoj/
@round Kazakhstan
I find writing Gulp tasks harder than writing regex. But once you get a task working the way you want it feels…
This Hot Wheels car is my 3-year old ‘s aesthetic
Nightmare where life-sized ducks/blue jays are attacking you
When an item has been in your cart for a few days and because of Amazon prime day it’s 30% off.
@elgreg I got the Blue album as a birthday gift in the 4th grade. It inspired me to paint my room like this (any my parents let me do it)
@round Uhh…..
The Heimlich water park is open for business.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #backyard #backyardwaterpark instagram.com/p/BlMXOwsnI14/
This is the most important data analysis i’ve ever seen
Seattle Times reporter covering housing and real estate. Formerly at San Jose Mercury News. Also tweeting on data analysis, sports and journalism.