This is great—@ftrain reveals the story of how @gknauss kept @KimKardashian’s backend from breaking the Internet. medium.com/message/how-paper-mag…
This is great—@ftrain reveals the story of how @gknauss kept @KimKardashian’s backend from breaking the Internet. medium.com/message/how-paper-mag…
This Is How Xiaomi Keeps The Cost Of Its Smartphones So Low tcrn.ch/1xnceAW by @jonrussell
@jgee @lilsarg @BostonDotCom Neat but I seem to have been redirected to some T-Mobile home page…
@snowpunk @kathkat15 Hot chocolate!
@fugularity @Smashley017 Just talking nonsensical about poop
@fugularity @Smashley017 Columbian drug cartels scramble to get this straight cut shit and lace it with lesser shit to make a dope profit
@fugularity @Smashley017 Its newborn poopy diapers so its not as bad.
@fugularity @Smashley017 Poopy diapers
@fugularity @Smashley017 12 in 24. Am I doing this rite?
For those who saw me live build and launch a website using only my phone at @WordPressDC last night, process slides: slideshare.net/anthonydpaul/word…
@mylifeasalllly tell her to apply to @pewresearch
@boagworld You can team up with @codepo8 twitter.com/Jennison/status/5549…
Tomorrow is my favorite day of the month! @WordPressDC, this month with @courtneydawn and I speaking: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/21…
Farewell to @nekolaweb on his last day @pewresearch. Thanks for all the great code, dataviz, deep-dish pizza, etc.
@mixolydian @zekeweeks Here ya go reddit.com/r/Android/comments/2r…
Just confirmed -> I’m speaking at @WordPressDC next week: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/21…
@beepybop @JessSchillinger Err totes
@beepybop @JessSchillinger you’re route specials
@JessSchillinger @JoannaBrenner @maeveyd @nekolaweb @mr_suh @DanielleAlberti how’s the prairie?
Thanks @UpshotNYT for shoutout to @pewresearch design crew:Stuff We Liked: Clever Data Visualization, Year in Outrage nyti.ms/1tJkvDj
Digital @pewresearch. Dad, Philly fan, he/him. I like cats …