“We have cognitive association with colors. It’s why dentists don’t advertise with the color red.” – @chuckborowicz #RefreshDC
“We have cognitive association with colors. It’s why dentists don’t advertise with the color red.” – @chuckborowicz #RefreshDC
“As designers we should give actionable feedback to each other.” – @chuckborowicz #refreshdc
@mr_suh @fugularity LAWL
@verybadhello @duqe Well we’re not a new fangled UX design agency.
@verybadhello @duqe Sweet! I use a similar system. But instead of darts I use emails.
“A big part of what we do is the combination between editorial instincts and technology.” – @mwilkie
This interview with @BuzzFeed’s CTO @mwilkie is fantastic medium.com/the-cto-series/an-int… Allow me to share some choice quotes…
We’re hiring a Data Architect @pewresearch If you’ve got code, DB and/or visualization chops, learn more here: pewrsr.ch/U2j2ai
“If it’s supposed to act like a button, *it should be a button*”: accessibility tools in browsers don’t speak div – @joedolson #wcchi
Newspaper people, READ THIS: What if the journalism is the problem in the news business? baekdal.com/insights/what-if-qua… HT @jayrosen_nyu
Wow, @netflix, that’s kind of a dick move. developer.netflix.com/blog/read/…
@nvite @jcarbaugh I heard if he doesn’t get enough sunlight he will wither and die.
@kyle_conrad @duqe Just turned down a job offer from nclud. Otherwise meh.
@albertocairo Only if you can tolerate @beepybop as a boss.
@albertocairo Knowledge of the uses of the Y-Axis required. @beepybop @mpiccorossi
People who participate are angrier than the people who don’t. RT @voxdotcom: The single most important fact about American politics
HighCharts Maps Released! Looks pretty slick! highcharts.com/ @Highcharts #chstech
@alec_h_tyson Kind words. I literally just made chip and dip jokes. cc/ @nekolaweb
Crying real tears. | RT @codinghorror: JavaScript: A Great Place to Work (via @konklone)
Graphics Editor, @nytgraphics. Supposed former infatuation junkie.