@danphilibin @kylecotter I got these same headphones for my wife for Christmas and she seems to like them. They stay in her ears.

@vick08 You can tweet me about any accessibility issues you find with @pewresearch sites because I actually give a shit about accessibility.

AMAZING! @Highcharts: We’re proud to announce the Beta release of Highmaps, the geo mapping component for Highcharts! highcharts.com/component/content…

@kingkool68 @ataraxia_status same applies to my wife. If I’m not responsive, she doesn’t like me.

@farrelley @jfc3 or 51 rapid baby orangutans. Whatever you’re into.

@AstickofGum you mean Full House? Cc @baconforjesse #unclejesse

Windows 8.1 for Workgroups “@tomwarren: Microsoft announces ‘spring’ update for Windows 8.1 vrge.co/1jqebr6”

@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner homrslice pizza?

@mr_suh clearly @JoannaBrenner

#firstWorldProblems “@BreakingNews: Porsche asking 911 GT3 drivers to stop driving cars immediately due to fire risk – @CNBC”

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATSAPP “@BreakingNews: Facebook to purchase messenger app WhatsApp for $16 billion -”

@freshyill @rochellefp Go HTML native and just use <marquee>

@freshyill @rochellefp OH SNAP! BURN! ZING! KABLAMMO!

@jgarber @dcsassmeetup @nvite Is it from Instacart? They sponsored and said they would be emailing all of the guests who RSVP’d.

@jshawl @DUQE Until you reach 2,000 characters and then you’re fucked. stackoverflow.com/questions/4171…

@jakelear @komickiller @mylifeasalllly Yay! It works now!

@jakelear My 27″ iMac disagrees. cc/ @komickiller @mylifeasalllly

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