Hey @livingsocial instead of doing deals on diarrhea in a mermaid cup how about a deal on mile long ethernet cables.
Hey @livingsocial instead of doing deals on diarrhea in a mermaid cup how about a deal on mile long ethernet cables.
@freshyill Is there some @livingsocial deal for ginormous ethernet cable?
@feather @karlgroves Congrats to both of you!
@AstickofGum @ammy914 “Fuck it! Just run home!”
Hey @comcast, @verizonfios says you stink. You gonna take that?
I just unlocked the “Fixer Upper” badge on @foursquare for checking in at hardware stores! Tool Time! 4sq.com/REXhUX
I just reached Level 3 of the “Flame Broiled” badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 10 different burger joints! 4sq.com/PUWCQl
Can’t wait “@markimbriaco: The real estate closing process is such an utter train wreck. It’s amazing anyone owns property, anywhere.”
@mugunthkumar @pauljadam False. youtube.com/watch?v=N4t3-__3MA0
@nacin Galaxy Nexus. Just ask @JohnPBloch, @async_io, @aaronjorbin
@ayomattayo “Finger pippin each other’s assholes” cc/ @naudebynature
AMIDOINGITRITE? RT @trepmal: Sorry. I’m a sucker for ‘retweet to win’
@nacin My wife @naudebynature used to follow @uberfacts until they mentioned people on Guam still live in huts. Guamanians don’t like that.
@kingkool68 This. Very this: dribbble.com/elliottcable
(by @elliottcable)
I’m going to @AccessCampDC on Oct 13! Tickets are free.
@SawatdeeRuck @naudebynature hearts scrapple too. And she made the breakfast. I just took the picture.
@AdeyLady123 @viget Lovely.
Check out my new type tester! test.jamestedmondson.com/ Code by the legendary @desandro
Going to a lunch meeting with some people from PBS @NewsHour. You know, just another work day. Whatevs. #excitementHiddenInSarcasm
Data & info viz designer / front-end web dev + freelance. Prev @pewresearch & @ballstatecber. MPA ~2023. Tweets are mine.