“Ampersandwich” by @adventureson

“Ampersandwich” by @adventureson
@justinpervorse @round What goes @round comes @round
@dimensionmedia @pandulu I have some PHP code that I use to inline SVGs. See github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@DerekAshauer @SunPhotoCart Raise your prices
The spirit of @css is gone
@gerardketuma @andysoftrocker @MrAhmadAwais Talk to @twigpress who is making server less WordPress with ymirapp.com/
@robertorourke @fklux @miss_jwo I have a site I need to update via FTP and it’s cute at first and then real annoying for large file changes
@ErnieJeash @WellPaidGeek Yep, it’s always plugged in. Doesn’t destroy the battery at all. Most of the time my mac stays at 80% since the operating system knows I rarely use it on battery
@jcsalterego @davatron5000 I remember when Adobe Air was originally called Apollo… Twhirl was an awesome Twitter client back in the day…
@jcsalterego @davatron5000 OMG was it Twhirl?
“If I find something Spotify exclusive, I ignore it — podcasting started an open movement not to be owned by a single company.”
@neojp @LocalWP I find I have to hard quit out of LocalWP every night and start it up again the next day otherwise it reallllly bogs down.
A 🧵 on how to implement beautiful shadow borders:
Yesterday, @jamesm called out our @trycampsite UI bits and how we utilize box shadows as borders to get better border contrast on elements with shadows. Lets talk about how we actually implement this and work around the gotchas:
@Rmmmsy @mollytaft I said this response to someone and they didn’t get the reference. Later on my wife confided in me “Are we really in a lot of debt?”
@jesseddy @figma We have a “done” final and guess what work rarely makes its way there?
@deviorobert @LocalWP You can set WP_DEBUG to true and then set WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to false in wp-config.php
New @Burberry rebrand is slick.
Return to classic and refined styling. Embracing British roots and the high-fashion glory days.
Courage to be the first major brand to go back to subtle Serif style font. 10/10 t.co/N6KbyhvkWJ
Content @launchsocials | Pro-human | Pro-liberty | Pro-curiosity | 🌞 Sharing my daily thoughts on marketing, creativity, and the independent spirit