@Rmmmsy @round It’s ok he’s a UXer…

@Rmmmsy @round It’s ok he’s a UXer…
#Wordpress was the first standards-compliant CMS. I hand-coded my blog starting in 1995, and would still be doing it if WordPress had not come along. Next year, after exhausting a half dozen other platforms, @AListApart will come home to WordPress.
@scottjehl @filamentgroup I wonder what would perform better: this vs being able to serve the static HTML from a cache like a CDN (where you can’t do logic because its a dumb cache) located closer to the viewer.
@scottjehl @filamentgroup So to really make this work you need to push more work to the server to check for a cookie and send a different version of the page.
@mor10 @richard_tabor It allows me to document my kids as they grow up zadieheimlich.com/ and veraheimlich.com
@kingkool68 Im sorry i should not disturb you anymore. However, still im saying thanks for the great work. It really helped me a lot.
@MikeNGarrett @RandallAllDay @round I dig the redirect.
@yoavweiss ‘On HTTP/2, you can do multiple requests at no extra network cost, but note that means that they are compressed separately, you don’t benefit from combined compression’, explains @yoavweiss #PerfNow
@amandalitman @mattcampux Gerrymandering goes both ways baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/p…
I agree with @jdevalk. I’m worried that WordPress 5.0 is moving too fast to be stable for a major release in less than 2 weeks. joost.blog/wordpress-5-0-needs-a…
@brownpau @PicPedant Be the change you wish to tweet in the world.
This sign but for anywhere in public
(via @skeevis)
Hoping the fuzzy team of Monkeys over at @Mailchimp get things fixed up soon.
#hugops twitter.com/MailchimpStatus/stat…
@zreeseplus @MailchimpStatus Yes. As the links use the API to register who clicked what.
@JackM9007 @MKBHD Oh yea you’re right. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPad_Pro
I’m bad at Googling.
I read @theinclinepgh daily. They do great work in innovative media. Now, they’re a go-to local resource for info about the horific shooting. Local media is so important every. single. day., and is highlighted when tragedy strikes and they’re already in touch with the community. twitter.com/theinclinepgh/status…
@TheAVLtoday engagement editor, a startup news email in #AshevilleNC. Passionate about local, innovative media. Formerly at @GVLtoday, @Coloradoan. #ONASocial18