Comcast (Xfinity? Whatever they identify with?) vs Verizon Fios. Which should I choose?
What about this house? Should I buy this one?
Clint Eastwood captures the republican spirit… Crazy old white man mumbling to himself. Didn’t this guy used to be a bad ass cowboy?
@elgreg Got more details?
Are you a web developer? This is much bigger than the Facebooks:
@freshyill What’s up?
@jenfraiz Why are you unemployed?
Had a dream I visited Facebook HQ and lost my wallet: “Do you have a lost and found?” “No, try searching” “BUT YOUR SEARCH SUCKS!!!!”
@lauradhahn What are you moving on to next?
@AstickofGum remember that time we went to the beach and stayed in a motel that smelled like a locker room?
@fugularity Does that apply for oregano as well? What about RoundUp?
*MASSIVE AD COVERS PHONE SCREEN* “Would you like to download our app???” FUCKING NO; nor will I visit your shit website again, you cuntcunt.
@farrelley So the government doesn’t change enough and your current job changes too much?
AMIDOINGITRITE? RT @trepmal: Sorry. I’m a sucker for ‘retweet to win’
@ud_reid So if I signup then anyone can resize and serve images from How would you control that?
@ayomattayo Did you fax that photo in to Instagram? Crud city.
@pauljadam Do you support specific devices? No. Anything that can run a web browser is our target #a11ychat
@elliottcable Any typographic advice for displaying code? I’m redoing my site. Your dribbles are great!
I need some examples of typographically beautiful code snippits. Think visual appearence. How to make code look visually stunning?
Is it possible to win a Senate race with 0% of the women’s vote? Asking for a friend.