So what do you think George W Bush has been painting recently?
@caseydriscoll What happens if you plug your Mint Mobile SIM card into your Netgear Nighthawk? Should work me thinks.
Twitter’s scheduled tweet UI is such a pain in the ass. Why doesn’t it default to the current time right now instead of 5 days in the future?
I wish I could just type a date in a text field and Twitter would parse it and figure out what date I meant. C’MON MAN!
@mattcampux Do you think the logo inspired the buildings or did the buildings inspire the logo?
(Would love some RT’s!)
@PBS is hiring a senior frontend engineer! Have a lot of react experience? Want to support an awesome mission? Head on over and apply:
@urbaez22 And pogo sticking skills?
@rossilynne That’s awesome! Do y’all not do websites anymore?
@bpeebles What is Fish Police?
@smashingmag @zachleat Are there any conclusions your can reach from this data?
@mattcampux Like ?
Remember “Tangerine Speedo” by Caviar? Peak 2000
@randallb And the DV Guru podcast, right?
@JessSchillinger Wow! House cleaners are only $30/month? I’ve been missing out.
@chuckborowicz What about Pink Shirt guy? It’s been over a decade
@randallb Like this?
@funwithforms @justmarkup Wow I didn’t know the step increment doesn’t increment the input value by the step. Weird.
Shouldn’t the query selector be input[type=”number”] instead of just input? What would happen with text in the input if I hit the up key?
Oh no, I’m not really hungry, but I’ve got far too much money!
Voiceover: Have you considered TAPAS?
@AlexStandiford The whole pandemic started. Should I push it up?
📊 Hey #WordPress developers – what are you using for your development environment?
Please RT for reach 🙏 #webdev
@stephenhay @hankchizljaw @amyhoy Need inspiration?