Where guidelines go to die: another wiki page 💀
Where guidelines go to die: another wiki page 💀
I agree with @jdevalk. I’m worried that WordPress 5.0 is moving too fast to be stable for a major release in less than 2 weeks. joost.blog/wordpress-5-0-needs-a…
Let’s investigate data structures in WordPress together to deeply understand how it actually works. This post is a written version of my session today at #WCPDX! felix-arntz.me/blog/types-subtyp…
Plus, there’s also the slides: slides.felix-arntz.me/types-subt…
Basically the entire tech industry that isn’t a government or defense contractor or in the data center biz has no idea why Amazon would build an HQ2 in Northern Virginia. But it’s always been one of the most logical places.
Amazon in advanced talks about putting HQ2 in Northern Virginia, those close to process say wapo.st/2Qhf1MK
Good read about Amazon datacenter and the history of Northern Virginia’s networking significance. theatlantic.com/technology/archi…
New blog post: 80s Action Figure Logos:
Hey so I know Twitter is dead and garbage now, but if any humans are still out there, I know of a very good junior-mid front-end developer suddenly in need of a job. She’s open to DC/Baltimore/NYC/remote.
Currently writing a Twitter bot. Everytime a browser vendor tweets out something about a new feature the Twitter bot will reply “WE STILL CAN’T STYLE MOST FORM ELEMENTS!”
“We know our users/customers”
I read @theinclinepgh daily. They do great work in innovative media. Now, they’re a go-to local resource for info about the horific shooting. Local media is so important every. single. day., and is highlighted when tragedy strikes and they’re already in touch with the community. twitter.com/theinclinepgh/status…
Show HN: I made a script to generate self-signed SSL certs for local development
L: github.com/kingkool68/generate-s…
C: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=183…
1. ctrl+click on a Sketch file and “Duplicate.”
2. ctrl+click the duplicate, “Rename” the .sketch extension to .zip.
3. Double-click that .zip file.
Voilà! A folder full of assets: images, previews, and pages.
(thanks, @cassiecodes!)
building a quick website sample with kids in my class and forgot to source an image in my lesson plan…enter dummy image generator….bookmarked!…thanks @kingkool68
@kingkool68 Now, if you look at the Twitter logo, you’ll notice there is no cross. Why is that? Because it’s a bird. Do you notice anything about the bird? It’s blue. As in sad. Just like Jesus is because you spend more time tweeting than praying. So, you see, Twitter is the devil. 🙏
@destroytoday @csswizardry We’ve gone from progressive enhancement to conservative diminishment.
JS applications are the .swf of modern web development.
Let’s talk about an insane, criminal problem in digital media that gets no real media scrutiny: ad fraud. $19 BILLION will be stolen this year. Not wasted on ads that didn’t work — straight up stolen by crooks!
My latest investigation, and a thread: buzzfeednews.com/article/craigsi…
Styling a website – Week 1 vs Several Years Later:
10 years later, here’s my final and last version of parkeddomaingirltombstone.net/
Artist & Freelance Web Developer