Android: a 10-year visual history theverge.com/2011/12/7/2585779/a…
Android: a 10-year visual history theverge.com/2011/12/7/2585779/a…
URLs should age like a fine bottle of hermetically sealed water.
Startup idea: clone today’s popular web apps but do it with minimal JavaScript and fast server-side performance and out-compete them on the next billion international web users with cheap Android devices
CSS Border-Radius Can Do That? | IO 9elements 9elements.com/io/css-border-radi…
Secure Password Hashing for WordPress #wordpress goo.gl/eLLMXr
Every so often I like to read the Wikipedia pages for basic human activities and pretend I’m an alien getting a briefing about Earth. t.co/KaNljUZw1L
Observed: developers build the actual product, but they’re left with bare scraps of time to do it after we designers burn weeks on comps that ultimately get thrown away.
Here’s how I’ve shifted my process for better collaboration, better products: bigmedium.com/ideas/only-one-del…
I read through all of the ballot questions residents in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties will be voting on in November and broke down, in human language, what they all mean: wamu.org/story/18/10/18/ballot-q…
This looks fantastic. It looks like what Gutenberg core should be. . .a PHP API for building blocks. You don’t have to write a line of custom JS to be able to use the power of Gutenberg. A good PHP API like this will empower WordPress is so many ways.
Fixing a bug with regex:
Anyone know who did this? It’s blowing my mind. Occasionally you see the future and I feel like this is one of those times. t.co/QrQvXJcnbZ
Now that Google+ has been shuttered, I should air my dirty laundry on how awful the project and exec team was.
I’m still pissed about the bait and switch they pulled by telling me I’d be working on Chrome, then putting me on this god forsaken piece of shit on day one.
I hadn’t heard of the Request Map Generator tool before, but it looks like a *super* useful tool: trentwalton.com/notes/2018/05/30… #aeaorl
The WordPress debacle is more an issue of poor tooling (React) than commitment. When the tool chosen does not readily support accessibility, technical compromises will most often toss accessibility to the curb. Unfortunately they’ve repeatedly doubled down on the tool over users.
I have resigned as the WordPress accessibility team lead. Here is why.
#wordpress #a11y #wpa11y
* * * * * – Five star cron job. Will run again.
Actually, if you’re on Safari it’s now green so look for that. But remember – if you’re on Chrome it’s now grey so look for that *unless* you haven’t updated to v69 which means look for green. Oh – if it’s Chrome on mobile then don’t look for it because it’s not there.
Also, you might be part of the Chrome experiment to deprecate that first thing which means you won’t see it but you can still trust us. Alternatively, if you’re on Safari then that thing is now gone altogether so don’t look for it.
Dear users, please stop looking for the thing you were always told to look for and now look for a different thing instead (but only in one browser). Also, read and understand the other thing that users are terrible at reading and understanding. twitter.com/myetherwallet/status…
The Internet’s keepers? “Some call us hoarders—I like to say we’re archivists” arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/10/t… by @nathanmattise
Original news, reviews, analysis of tech trends, and expert advice on the most fundamental aspects of tech.