In the spirit of ‘be the change…’, I’m going to Tweetstorm a primer on how to understand your downloaded FB data.
Here goes:
A former Facebook ads targeting product manager explains…
In the spirit of ‘be the change…’, I’m going to Tweetstorm a primer on how to understand your downloaded FB data.
Here goes:
A former Facebook ads targeting product manager explains…
I’ve noticed this lately:
Sometimes a 100-line code change takes under an hour. ⏳
And sometimes a 1-line code change takes over a day. 📅
Please don’t judge effort by lines of code written.
This is a great example of how to use Twitter to create engaging local content with low production costs. A local publication should be able to have their own sponsored ad placement on a thread like this.
Fake news sites: Hit that share button and make sure Grandma reads our entire series about Obama creating chemtrails!
Real news sites: You have reached your limit of 3 stories for the month
Remapping my CAPS LOCK key to ESC has made everything much easier on the Mac with Touchbar.
Collected most of the mentioned CSS snippets in an article including explanations: justmarkup.com/log/2018/03/colle… twitter.com/justmarkup/status/97…
Neon Japan | by @liamwong
Today we’re going to highlight the work from our partners @billy_penn & @theinclinepgh. These are two mobile-first newsrooms, applying an innovative approach to journalism.
New @filamentgroup utility: imaging-heap
A command line tool to measure the efficiency of your responsive image markup across viewport sizes and device pixel ratios.
Will likely iterate on the legend %’s moving forward! Feedback (GitHub issues) welcome! t.co/zUhOFqkGpC
New post where-in I tested 50 AMP pages to see just how fast AMP really is. timkadlec.com/remembers/2018-03-…
Realtor: “make sure to stage a neutral palate, a place where anyone could imagine their things.”
Owner: “Nah” twitter.com/manda_like_wine/stat…
How Disney ’s multiplane camera worked.
Dear @internetarchive,
You love preserving outdated webstuff. I AM outdated webstuff. How do we make a stable, secure, in-browser flash player emulator that can preserve all our favorite un-skippable website intros from the early aughts. Also all my sbemails.
-Strong Bad t.co/TCcgcKjO3o
Happy 29th birthday to the vague but exciting document that sparked the World Wide Web—“Information Management: A Proposal” by @timberners_lee, March 12th, 1989.
Some dude on IRC just told me I’d never make any money from PHP…
…as I sit here at #mwphp18 getting paid to talk to people about PHP.
Shoutout to everyone who makes a living with PHP 🙌
Perhaps my new go-to tool for creating a range of grays:
Oh, just deleting Hello World in nodejs.
Don’t name any form fields on the WordPress edit screen “link” or “update”
Here is a tool I use almost daily when designing stuff that I know will need pictures in the future. This will generate an image in any resolution that you can use as a place holder for your designs:
Dynamic Dummy Image Generator by @kingkool68: buff.ly/2I1U2tV t.co/DUn6eRChdt
Front End Developer
Trail Runner
Occasional Photographer