I just launched the Kickstarter for @Hexatope – design your own jewellery with my web app kck.st/2xLsl6Z
I just launched the Kickstarter for @Hexatope – design your own jewellery with my web app kck.st/2xLsl6Z
Packed house for the Happiness Bar tonight!
“On Writing Product Roadmaps” by @goberoi goberoi.com/on-writing-product-r…
As promised, I wrote about building @SlackHQ’s new site, featuring shiny new ✨ CSS Grid ✨
Thank you to the @wordcampbalt team for putting on such an amazing conference this weekend. Loved it 🙂
Meetup co-organizer @bethsoderberg talking about how Saas isn’t scary at #WCBalt!
web protocols enabled information to be programmable. blockchains are going to make all kinds of assets programmable.
A message to people who are angry at Twitter.
Lazy load images with inline SVGs to a better thumbnail experience on @CodePen codepen.io/ainalem/full/aLKxjm/ #lazyload t.co/vu8K1O3caB
Nostalgic for the days when Twitter was just my friends posting what they were up to.
Always read danah boyd points.datasociety.net/your-data…
One week away from the first Happiness Bar of the year, hosted by @agencyCHIEF! RSVP here: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/24…
As you begin your day, take a moment to meet @kingkool68. We had a wonderful chat on our show. bit.ly/2xWV4CO t.co/S3AQoGCCVc
We’re proud to announce a 4,294,967,295 character count limit on all WordPress.com blog posts.
What mediocre movies have the same approval rating as our garbage president? Find out on Rotten Trumpatoes. rottentrumpatoes.com/ t.co/BKoih4J0iw
No he didn’t. He went to Pat’s like a tourist. twitter.com/business/status/9123…
I got a new tattoo today @StrongBadActual #trogdor
What day is it? Oh…
Fizzy School is in 🎃 Lessons in JavaScript for anyone writing jQuery. Site, demos, & videos are all free. Learn up! fizzy.school
Designer, Developer @FictiveKin. JavaScript & logos @metafizzyco. Made Masonry, Flickity, & Isotope