It’s time to rebuild the app from scratch so we can make the same mistakes in a more modern framework
It’s time to rebuild the app from scratch so we can make the same mistakes in a more modern framework
It’s heartwarming to see all the attention + promotion the WordPress community is showing to @HallwayChats. Validation of an idea.
Big announcement coming soon! Sign up to our mailing list to be one of the first to know. 2017.dc.wordcamp.org/
The problem with design systems is that engineers think “that’s design solved.” A system is a foundation for creativity, not the end of it.
This guy is a software engineer, you can tell by his awesome estimation skills
Today in namespace collisions. github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/is…
Those who cannot remember previous decentralised open-source social networks are condemned to repeat them.
Prepare your child for the hellscape of devops in 2017. aws-kids-posters.herokuapp.com
Here’s a heart-to-heart blog post by @rahul286 about EEv4. Grab a cuppa- this is a long one! ow.ly/S3MG30asJi7
WARNING: This film contains ADULT THEMES. All the characters are really tired and in debt.
UPCOMING IS BACK. twitter.com/upcomingorg/status/8…
Unpopular opinion: Sticky headers are annoying as hell.
In light of recent assertions that “CSS is broken”, I have a tip for writing CSS more effectively: CSS isn’t JavaScript.
This little girl thought a broken water heater is a real life robot. It’s just not fair how cute it is t.co/TLbuKKEEbY
Apps that let extremists plot in secrecy:
ahhahhahaahahhahahahahahahaha (pic via @jimwaterson) t.co/Clm62LvuhL
When you code CSS, you’re writing abstract rules to take *unknown* content and organize it in an *unknown* medium. That shit is hard.
Whenever I get annoyed with Peppa Pig I try to remember that if not for an accident of timing I could have gotten stuck with Barney
When the dog wants to play catch with the puck on the ice at Verizon Center, you play catch with the dog on the ice at Verizon Center. 🐶 t.co/UWMZ75TVmE
Your inside source for all the latest news and conversation surrounding the Washington Capitals.