not gonna write another post about AMP, not gonna write another post about AMP, not gonna….crap
not gonna write another post about AMP, not gonna write another post about AMP, not gonna….crap
Repeated theme of #ampconf is
“We made simpler AMP pages & then we realized they actually convert better & went to simplify our main site“
And, remember, if you have the audacity to switch off AMP then Google will stop people accessing your site.
shkspr.mobi/blog/2016/11/removin… twitter.com/cramforce/status/839…
slamming CTRL + S to save documents constantly is so ingrained in me that i constantly do it by accident in the browser
hold on hold on i got this, i got this… ass wednesday twitter.com/CommissarTaco/status…
i remember when twitter was fun
No. Wrong. White House laptops can only reach the internet through a secured VPN tunnel.
(But I bet many fewer will RT this.) twitter.com/AngryWHStaffer/statu…
Hey #NICAR17 the digital team @pewresearch is hiring! See our listing on the jobs board, or give me a shout t.co/TmY1A2UfF6
So, how do dogs know each other’s names?
Collar I.D.
“why are you on twitter so much”
Here is a puppy. Aren’t puppies awesome?
this has been your regularly scheduled day-long advertisement for whatever google’s s3 competitor is called
End of an era.
Today is Amazon S3 dependency awareness day
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler
over-engineered: (adj.) pejorative to describe tools you didn’t build that solve problems you don’t care about, understand, or know about
Hey @realDonaldTrump u up?
After 11 years, “Penguin Rush Hour” could return to the Silver Spring Metro this spring: ow.ly/CWkm309l8Ja t.co/2njnrcTLvD
#WordPress “Exotic” Setups Survey:
Help us find out how WordPress is used and what doesn’t work!
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I’m going to be looking for a new senior dev to join our team at Pew Research. Full stack devs with WP & react experience a plus. PM me.
Lead Developer at @pewresearch. Passionate about WordPress, React, buffalo wings, #StarCitizen, and surviving the slow motion collapse of our empire. 🚴 📷 🌹