I believe RoguePOTUSstaff is a Russian disinformation account, and I’ll prove it. (Bear with me)
I believe RoguePOTUSstaff is a Russian disinformation account, and I’ll prove it. (Bear with me)
I’m just going to leave this here 😉 #Truth #IT #Sysadmin #Backups #Unix #Linux #BSD #Servers
memorization or pen and paper is how most in U.S. keep track of online passwords pewrsr.ch/2jkpeGV t.co/pkS7dIsD7R
Around City Hall, about a thousand people are protesting. One person is ice skating.
EXPECTATION: the semantic web, microformats, cards, tags, metadata
REALITY: highly jpeg’d screenshots of websites posted to other websites.
Something about @NASA’a new spacesuit design … looks kind of familiar. gizmodo.com/nasas-new-astronaut-… #SPACESHIP
If you see something, save something. Use Save Page Now to save URLs at archive.org/web/ t.co/AtHn0UhREo
What do we want?
Peer-reviewed Science
When do we want it?
Yesterday, please!
her husband was secretly using MongoDB in production
Actual Google spokesperson response to question about whether Google is buying Conde Nast. Someone really loves their job! t.co/Wrp8mDsUPT
When I was a boy, browsing the web in PDF form was just a beautiful dream. Now, it’s science fact! internetdotpdf.biz/
This is a great tip for people visiting Washington DC today and over the weekend. (via @arlusk)
Spanish translation and “Accessibility” options removed from bottom of White House webpage. #Inauguration t.co/UdYsuZyilt
Here’s the link for the newly rebooted Arlington/NoVa meetup! meetup.com/Arlington-WordPress-M…
“When you want something that scales, you need cattle, not pets.” @kingkool68 server scaling metaphor at @WordPressDC t.co/9HILlnoA2B
Nothing against the #Chiefs, but always root for the team from the city where you have a news web site. Go #Steelers!
What bravery looks like. fb.me/62mwSbLpt
so glad someone answered this question about a pet water fountain on amazon
WordPress 4.7.1 Security and Maintenance Release wordpress.org/news/2017/01/wordp…
Updates and other fun stuff related to WordPress.org (that’s the self-hosted version). For support: WordPress.org/support/