hey maybe we could tone down the javascript. eev.ee/blog/2016/03/06/maybe-we-…
hey maybe we could tone down the javascript. eev.ee/blog/2016/03/06/maybe-we-…
No WordCamp would be possible w/o the work of its volunteers. Thanks to everyone who helped put together #WCLanc!
Emoji domains are flying off shelves at #wclanc. I should be getting a commission. @courtneydawn @lelandf @kingkool68 @bradparbs @taupecat
‘last programming book you will ever need’
Another official recommendation from Google: Use feature detection and progressive enhancement.
If you are using wordpress, coding in wordpress, new to wordpress, this is the best $20 you will spend. 2016.lancasterpa.wordcamp.org @WPLanc
Please take the Post Status WordPress Professional Survey! poststatus.com/wordpress-profess…
Chip & PIN pitch meeting:
“You know how you swipe a credit card? What if you could *insert* it, take longer, *and* hear weird noises?”
Curious what user problems do JS frameworks solve or what user benefit do they offer? React, Angular, etc
.biceps { display: flex; }
If you still use icon fonts then you are bad at your job.
Completely achievable without AMP, shows that orgs are incapable of acting responsibly w/o being forced by Google twitter.com/adage/status/7029042…
I developed a slack like emoji picker and open-sourced on #github. See it in action: ned.im/wdt-emoji-bundle
Homebrew Website Club is tonight! Come on by and tinker on your personal website:
– indiewebcamp.com/events/2016-02-…
– facebook.com/events/117000372639…
$ curl wttr.in
Software Design Pattern, n: Logic every good developer follows anyway, but with 3x the amount of code said developer would have written.
I love how @stripe’s internal portal is nicer than pretty much any public web app dribbble.com/shots/2537249-Home
Chrome intending to change behaviour of <link rel=”stylesheet”>.
Find out more from jakearchibald.com/2016/link-in-b… ^SW12
New favorite website: silo.pocalyp.se/
Co-founder @luroapp, Developer at @paravelinc, Podcaster at @shoptalkshow, 日本語OK, Historical Graphic Novel Otaku, Junkrat Main