“Cater to humans instead of gimmicky syntax.”
Some p. good advice here on writing the CSS: thescenery.co/guides/css-as-read…
“Cater to humans instead of gimmicky syntax.”
Some p. good advice here on writing the CSS: thescenery.co/guides/css-as-read…
I’m switching careers because I will never make anything as important/awesome as this: dn.ht/picklecat/ (H/T @eterps)
Use of the phrase ‘exponential growth’ by decade
Good post from @khanacademy on js packages vs separate files for HTTP/2. Thx @jmarantz for pointing it out. engineering.khanacademy.org/post…
Most advice for Sass developers basically boils down to:
? Don’t ? forget ? to look at ? your CSS ? output ?
“The framework we chose already has an icon font.”
If your framework told you to jump off a bridge, would you?
I have never related to a floppy disk and a SD card this much before.
We want it now !
Put QR codes on guns so no one will use them.
79% Increase in website launches from homescreen icons on Android since May. #chromedevsummit
FREE OXFORD COMMAS, please take one: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I’m going to the Internet; I’ll be back in a bit.
Accessibility… For NFL uniforms. deadspin.com/stupid-nike-uniform…
I investigated the story behind this photo. It was even better than I imagined: atlasobscura.com/articles/extrem…
Really excited to be talking HTTPS at the @WordPressDC meetup next week meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
Pet peeve: web developer meetups that have free beer, but no other beverage options. Many people can’t drink alcohol, or don’t want to.
1993: WWW.
2004 (11 years later): Web 2.0.
2015 (11 years later): we wrote everything in javascript and literally nothing works sorry lol
Interactive chart of freelance rates for designers/developers: hellobonsai.com/rates #ux #ui #ia #mobile #dataviz
Give a man some JavaScript, and he will cut and paste for a day.
Teach him some JavaScript, and he will debate frameworks for a lifetime.
RT if you’re going to WordCamp US!!
There are still tickets left – register now: 2015.us.wordcamp.org/tickets/
The WordPress Community Summit (August 22 through 23) and WordCamp US (August 24 through 26) will take place in National Harbor, Maryland.