I wrote a little thing about why Google AMP is a bad idea: arstechnica.com/information-tech…
I wrote a little thing about why Google AMP is a bad idea: arstechnica.com/information-tech…
JavaScript is the new Flash.™
A lot of people are making fun of this new Twitter polling option but you actually can use it to increase the number
navnav.co – 80+ Responsive Navigation Bar Menu Tutorials, Examples and Demos
Sorry, “check engine” light, you need to take a number and get in line behind all the other indications my life is falling apart.
The lightest gray that’s accessible against white: #767676
REI, you’re my new hero. usatoday.com/story/money/2015/10…
I’ve published a talk I gave several times in 2015, Delivering Responsibly, as a transcript/essay.
Please enjoy!
if you want to write fast software, use a slow computer
#StarWars Am I doing it right?
The road to user-experience hell is paved with well-intentioned A/B tests
email from 1996
A week from today @WordPressDC will be back at @agencyCHIEF w/ another 2 speaker lineup. Come one, come all! bit.ly/1L9gFZf #DCtech
@scottjehl googlamp will fix this
t·co redirects are one of the slowest steps of browsing the web. Often noticeably slower than all the steps we fret about optimizing.
Ugh, Don Lemon.
☛ ⇛“Make sure every bit of code added to your project is there for a reason you can explain.” @rachelandrew
“What’s a good branding tie-in for kids’ hot soup?”
“How about Frozen?”
“Sounds good”