A montage of me trying on/posing in various turtleneck sweaters to Wu-Tang Clan – “Protect Ya Neck”
A montage of me trying on/posing in various turtleneck sweaters to Wu-Tang Clan – “Protect Ya Neck”
It doesn’t matter what your website can do if it never loads. #io15
Don’t forget @kingkool68’s (not) surprise farewell from @pewresearch is in 2 minutes …
Have you ever visited the site from your phone? If so, we have some questions for you: wrctr.co/1IDHGDi
Why is anybody still putting anything on SourceForge?
“The web’s answer to the native challenge should be radical simplification, not even more tools.” – @ppk quirksmode.org/blog/archives/201…
“No one’s sharing our badly written bullshit, Bob.”
“It needs a bigger share button, Doug.”
End scene.
Radiohead’s album ok computer explores the controversial idea that it’s ok to be on the computer
“Move fast and break things” sounds really awesome until you have a bunch broken stuff in a brittle code base.
WordPress 4.2.2 Security and Maintenance Release wp.me/pZhYe-XY
I before E except after you download Chrome.
Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. ∞
The things I’m seeing Angular used for just seem like massive overkill. Server-rendered + pjax could do the same job, and work for all.
This year Cinco de Mayo falls on taco Tuesday.
This is it people. This is what we’ve been training for.
Evolution of the mobile phone
#talkpay is like therapy.
Theory: The reasons everyone’s CMS sucks are ~90% internal politics, legacy systems, and bad strategy, ~10% bad tech.
I found a super realistic Photoshop simulator if you don’t want to download it to your computer: mahdif.com/lab/photoshop-simulat…
down to click / real human person named @jakebeckman / be cool pls thx