Do you use #Office to publish research? I’ve started a tut series about customizing templates jessicaschillinger.us/2015/blog/…

Do you use #Office to publish research? I’ve started a tut series about customizing templates jessicaschillinger.us/2015/blog/…
Stop catering to googlebot and start catering to people. That’s good #SEO.
Angular docs, 2014, on Internet Archive: web.archive.org/web/201410210949…
Tell us again how progressive enhancement is worthless?
/ht @Meekostuff
Know any freelance WordPress folks who might want to work with one of my favorite people on Earth? Pretty please let me know. Thanks!
Before the lightbulb, getting an idea was potentially dangerous. A candle would appear above your head & would often set your hair on fire.
“working on my portfolio site” is the designer’s “working on my novel”
Nice presentation of @awoodruff about #maps and #dataviz in #openvisconf
Curious why numerical key order varies between phones and calculator keyboards. Appears to be industry wide.
My favorite feature is removing code.
How to use Enterprise™ APIs
“…choosing to disable JavaScript is far from the only reason a user’s browser might not run it.”
Some personal news: I’ve joined the White House’s U.S. Digital Service nacin.com/2015/03/29/us-digital-… @USDS
Announcement time! Starting next month, I’ll be teaching #WordPress for developers classes at @GA_DC! [1/3]
My little doll baby is 3 months old! #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/0xnhwxRzf_/
Realizing how few people give a shit about performance as I working from an Amtrak train. You’re killing me devs.
The Teletubbies are fucking terrifying in black and white.
web developers, , please use alt tags with your images, or screenreader users get things like 1426487872207_DSC_0165-color_large image
@CalEvans Between SXSW and WordCamps, I never have to buy clothes again. Except pants. We need tech conf pants!
Oh you changed the scroll behaviour on your website? That’s cool
*closes tab*
Designing and building Design Systems for web at Facebook. Erstwhile Designer & Engineer at Dropbox.