@jcarbaugh @jgarber was def. surprised to see a default Rails project uses CoffeeScript. Have yet to know a FED that writes it over JS.
@jcarbaugh @jgarber was def. surprised to see a default Rails project uses CoffeeScript. Have yet to know a FED that writes it over JS.
That’s twice in one day that _basic_ activities (renewing a library book, buying something) have failed because of JavaScript errors.
WordPress is a USER centric project which is why it makes decisions such as continued support of php 5.2 @miss_jwo #phpuk15
But, yes, this petition is good
Love the strong @TheIronYard students’ presence at @dcjavascript meetup. #NeverStopLearning #codetolearn
Startup idea: an actual idea.
You own your dependencies bugs. It is your bug till you fix it. Your users will not care. Don’t blame other projects for your bugs #phpuk15
Mind = Blown
The WordPress Talent Shortage Might Be a Pricing Problem – andyadams.org/wp-talent-shortage…
★ “Using GitHub on Multidisciplinary Teams” – sixtwothree.org/posts/using-gith…
Taxonomy term splitting in 4.2: a developer guide wp.me/p2AvED-3aS
New personal portfolio site! desandro.com Has gifs, videos, screenshots, and project demos
Happy Valentine’s Day from our little Love Bug, Zadie! We made this little gift for her Daddy and I… instagram.com/p/zF6r5CxzUs/
“Investor concern over the threat of new technologies is overstated.” —Blockbuster analyst report, 1999
Thoughts after one year with the Narrative Clip bit.ly/1AU6SUi #wearables
“If evolution is real, why are there still sandwiches *and* Hot Pockets?” @seamusleahy
This is a thing in Cambridge, MA right now… wgbhnews.org/post/snow-four-lett…
Check out the @WordPressDC Genius Bar tomorrow night at @MyBigChief! I’ll be there to help with all things theme. meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
If people seem a bit on edge these days, maybe it’s because they no longer have a satisfying way to angrily hang up the phone.
I just published “The ‘Web Application’ Myth” medium.com/@codepo8/the-web-appl…
The robots are coming and we need to make a great example for them. Principal Program Manager for Browser Tools at Microsoft. Presenter, JavaScript lover.