Not *my* kind of front-end devs to hang out with.
Not *my* kind of front-end devs to hang out with.
Someone links to fedsonslack.com (info about a Slack community specifically for front-end devs). Site doesn’t work without JS.
@kingkool68 At least the first year is relatively cheap. They get you with the renewal though.
Breakpoints are not fixed numbers that can apply universally to any website. They are literally the size points at which the layout breaks.
” Facebook … has become primarily a venue for 30-somethings—a.k.a. olds—to post carefully staged pictures of their weddings and babies”
It may be due to my being old, but as I look at the modern CSS toolchain I fear we are very good at making simple things complicated.
Whimsical Animated GIFs of Illustrations From the Smithsonian Library bit.ly/1ySjuJh
*sea captain violently shakes first mate* WAKE UP MATEY THE KRAKEN IS UPON US “What’s a kraken sir!?” NOT MUCH WHATS A-CRACKIN’ WITH U
Bring me your DevOps questions at the @WordPressDC Genius Bar meetup on 2/10 meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
Happy 1 Month!!! #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/yaNoVzxzUd/
Looking forward to the February WordPress Meetup: Genius Bar Edition – Check out this Meetup! meetu.ps/2GccTs @WordPressDC
dark social is me deleting “utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_twitter&utm_source=gawker_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow” before IMing a link
Forget that storm. Who bought provisions for the great Facestagram outage of ’15?
holy wind visualization, batman earth.nullschool.net/#current/wi…
<img alt=”Bland stock photo to increase page load time”>
*lights go on at the club*
“Everybody is so ugly now!”
New web platform technologies that require web developers to bolt-on ARIA for basic accessibility support are shit by design.
15 Things Nobody Tells You About Being A Parent clickhole.com/r/1758tsd
The Strassburg’s came to visit … and with Zadie and Kaleb we had our first “triple date”! Lol!… instagram.com/p/yN3vr_RzTt/