This is great—@ftrain reveals the story of how @gknauss kept @KimKardashian’s backend from breaking the Internet. medium.com/message/how-paper-mag…
This is great—@ftrain reveals the story of how @gknauss kept @KimKardashian’s backend from breaking the Internet. medium.com/message/how-paper-mag…
This Is How Xiaomi Keeps The Cost Of Its Smartphones So Low tcrn.ch/1xnceAW by @jonrussell
Angular and templating.
The problem with Angular – QuirksBlog ift.tt/1BpeDQH
Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors in the shadows, PayPal lady? Are you OK? Can I get you an ibuprofen?
1. Design
How to talk to Programmers
For those who saw me live build and launch a website using only my phone at @WordPressDC last night, process slides: slideshare.net/anthonydpaul/word…
I am amazed at how few companies have a pattern library in place. I guess it is because internal teams lack time. — bit.ly/1BlwisH
reveal.js 3.0 is out with a new default theme amongst many other updates: github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/rel…
Tomorrow is my favorite day of the month! @WordPressDC, this month with @courtneydawn and I speaking: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/21…
Farewell to @nekolaweb on his last day @pewresearch. Thanks for all the great code, dataviz, deep-dish pizza, etc.
Once you remove quality as a requirement, building your product gets a whole lot easier and cheaper.
How to write #coffeescript:
Step 1: learn #javascript
Step 2: fuck coffeescript
When UX doesn’t consider ALL users, shouldn’t it be known as “SOME User Experience” or… SUX? #a11y
Just confirmed -> I’m speaking at @WordPressDC next week: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/21…
Meanwhile, on Reddit: dude isn’t sure yet, but suspects that blind people are equivalent to Internet Explorer 6.
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To be honest, I’m terrified of Web Components; if you look at the quality your average web developer produces…
FINALLY a doctor comes clean about the REAL reason they want us to inject CHEMICALS into our kids — thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/…
I make Web things. Co-founded @Presentate, now @Dropbox building Paper.