A search field that morphs into fullscreen when focused. Great transition. tympanus.net/Development/Morphin…
A search field that morphs into fullscreen when focused. Great transition. tympanus.net/Development/Morphin…
It’s 2014 and most news websites are still crap.
Tom Magliozzi, co-host of NPR’s ‘Car Talk’ show, has died at age 77 – @NPR n.pr/1yRtNew
Last week we launched @ElectableCo. It’s not much now, but we have big plans. electable.co/
Breathing Halftone is now open-sourced — makes images go whoa with lots of floaty dots breathing-halftone.desandro.com/ vine.co/v/OOtP1ZLOiKj
Joker: stream torrents in your Browser joker.org/
What have you always wanted to hear a talk about? wpchat.com/t/what-have-you-alway… (from @kingkool68)
Nice! @NPR is throwing an Election #NPRparty and they want you to join to them (via @nvite)! elections.npr.org/
Attention publishers: If you obey Facebook here & make your mobile content live within their platform, you are DUMB. nyti.ms/1tufahP
Very excited to open source @10up’s @elasticsearch integration work at #wcsf 10up.com/blog/2014/meet-elasticp…
The @SlackHQ Internet takeover continues: make.wordpress.org/chat/
Artist inserts 21st-century phones and gadgets into famous painted masterpieces: bit.ly/1pANscR Thanks @pbaylies
I had no idea this exists in D.C., but it’s amazing that it does.
Multiplayer fun with cursors cursors.io/
‘AngularJS is not for websites’ – wolfslittlestore.be/2014/10/angu… /via @shuckle
Worth noting: Quora has no public API, no backup/export tools, blocks anonymous display of answers, and banned the Wayback Machine entirely.
LoopConf: A Conference Catered to WordPress Developers wptavern.com/loopconf-a-conferen… via @wptavern
Special printer brings SnapChat into the real world, spits out prints that burst into flames: goo.gl/qoH0b5
8/ A “good-enough” mentality overrides great design. Great design doesn’t say, “this is good for now. We’ll fix it later.”
Today is World Standards Day. Except in the US, which celebrates it on the 23rd. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Stan…
Southerner imprisoned in the north, doing software architecture consultancy. Interests include beer and beer cellars, curry, and HiFi.