A GIF repository plugin for WordPress. Finally. Kudos @norcross @markjaquith github.com/markjaquith/gifdrop
A GIF repository plugin for WordPress. Finally. Kudos @norcross @markjaquith github.com/markjaquith/gifdrop
Ok. Let’s pull back the veil on tech salary secrecy: docs.google.com/forms/d/1hry6JDR…
Please add your info and RT
jaw dropped while looking at this ebay video game listing… this room is a work of art ebay.com/itm/5700-Games-50-Syste…
Every single member (and moderator) of the #pcw14 “What’s Next for Wearables” panel calls Watch “the iWatch”
When your AngularJS app has a JS error… or why the web works great with actual HTML #friendsdontletfriendsuseangular
Next week @WordPressDC has 2 talks at @MyBigChief: theme frameworks & designing in browser w/ @BrianJessee & @smy315 meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/21…
I’m a boring front end developer and proud of it: adamsilver.github.io/articles/th…
AAAAHHH NEW STRONG BAD homestarrunner.com/fisheyelens.h… ON YOUTUBE: youtube.com/watch?v=rbvxlvSIIww AND TWITTER: @StrongBadActual
Hey internet, I don’t ask for much, but could use your help: Vote for me for “Disruptor of the Year”? fedscoop.wufoo.com/forms/z16u5yx… #fed50 #ironic
Consensus: #tildeclub is a better social network than #ello at the moment.
“The best way to learn is by making a mess” — @smithschwartz #sassconf14
Future-proof programming #Windows10
“I wish @jeremybowers would just hurry up and get to the point.” -@kingkool68 #ONA14 #ONA14lt
The longest line at #ONA14 by orders of magnitude is the one to meet Cookie Monster.
“It’s really weird with him on my arm, talking seriously,” says David Rudman, a.k.a Cooke Monster. #ONA14Sesame
#ONA14 Tip: “10 Tech Trends” at 11:30 is being recorded! Watch later and come learn about #highcharts instead! Poll: adamnekola.com/slides/highcharts…
Listening to NYT team talk about its 96-page innovation report & wondering why it needed 96 pages to grok itself. #kidsloveinternets #ONA14
#ONA14 attendees: Please take my dataviz poll, help me w/ #highcharts demo: adamnekola.com/slides/highcharts… (+ come to my Sat. session) cc: @ONAconf
Manager of Digital Content @FiscalNote; Former @pewresearch. Softball pitcher; journalist; pizza. Grad of @Illinois_Alma.