WTF is wrong with IBM?!
“JSONx is an IBM standard format to represent JSON as XML pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wsdat…”

WTF is wrong with IBM?!
“JSONx is an IBM standard format to represent JSON as XML pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wsdat…”
@WordPressDC Broadcasting at ustream.tv/broadcaster/18058876
Should be starting in a few minutes
Thanks everyone who came out to see my @WordPressDC talk. Slides at taupecat.github.io/cssdevconf.
Unlocking every iPhone at once
Ok, this is a pretty amazing XSS exploit: who.is/dns/jamiehankins.co.uk
Remember, love thy developers. Just say yes to analytics today when upgrading to iOS8. We don’t get anything creepy.
The First Rule of Twitter: Get over your fear of not being funny. You’re not. But the rest of us are even worse.
Anyway, @twitpic is working overtime to block @archiveteam from maintaining even a rough archive of this historical work. So you know.
Start planning your @wordcampbalt day – schedule now posted 2014.baltimore.wordcamp.org/sche…
Fill in the blank and I’ll tell you your age
Earlier today ‘Google indexes itself, indexing itself, indexing others’ news.ycombinator.com/item?id=829…
Big news: Polar (& I) are joining Google!
Inside Apple’s Live Event Stream Failure, And Why It Happened: It Wasn’t A Capacity Issue: blog.streamingmedia.com/2014/09/…
Design process: Junior designer vs Senior designer
I think the Switzerland watch business can breathe a sigh of relief.
It tells the time.
This is the part where the internet explodes.
The livestream basically doesn’t work. #AppleLive #SavedYouAClick
The new iPhone 6 payment system: Can it pay for itself?
Live for September! 9/23 7 PM
Speakers: @taupecat @bethsoderberg @courtneydawn
Sponsors: @canvascowork @RP3Agency
The DC-area monthly WordPress meetup group. Organizers: @bethsoderberg, @lelandf, @TaraClaeys