BTW, if Germany keeps scoring, analyzing this #worldcup match will require #bigdata skills.
BTW, if Germany keeps scoring, analyzing this #worldcup match will require #bigdata skills.
Inspiration: letters-inc.jp/ Ultra flat, intricate, motion-centric.
Google dropped support for any browser other than Chrome in Hangouts. This is not the Web we want. google.com/hangouts/
Happy 4th of July from the Heimlich’s … plus one on the way! #theheimlichs @ Bethany Beach / Dewey… instagram.com/p/qDXyurxzSj/
Happy 4th of July!
Stars and Stripes Forever, a la Muppets … youtu.be/kDA9NbPAK8o
Goodnight Moon for web developers
This might be the best appointment reminder I’ve ever scheduled
It’s official!
Time: July 8th, 7 PM
Place: @canvascowork
Speakers: @kingkool68 @kev097
Sponsor: @thejakegroup
RSVP: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/19…
PROTIP: Turn data into big data by encoding it as XML.
How Instagram moved the service’s more than 20 billion photos from AWS to Facebook servers wired.com/2014/06/facebook-insta… techmeme.com/140628/p3#a140628p3
Getting high on programming kottke.org/14/06/getting-high-on…
Paul Ford’s trip inside Gawker’s CMS is….trippy. bigsaur.us/56
It’s not just sad and a shame, it’s morally wrong that so many sites are ugly, inaccessible, and unusable; that so many CEOs shop on price.
I love what the web can do for people; love the crafts of design, markup, writing, UX, code. It kills me that so much of our web sucks.
Drupal: 20% of the work is building the site, 80% of the work is making breadcrumbs work the way people want.
Happy Solstice. It’s all downhill from here.
Twitter’s GIF hack blog.embed.ly/post/89265229166/w…
I’m a news.ycombinator bot, get the latest from Hacker News! Built by the lovely @riklomas from @superhi_ – sport shoes welcome.