I’m talking about the elements and principles of visual design tomorrow night at RefreshDC. You should come!
Bring back the Polar Vortex!
A user in total control is a design nightmare smashingmagazine.com/2014/06/16/…
Not convinced of the impact of performance on traffic? This happened today on theguardian.com #perfmatters —
Tetris is a game about technical debt
Giraffe gaffe
“Hey, Steve, did you do that giraffe, tweet?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Well pack your stuff. You’re Ghana.”
“No really, you’re fired.”
Omfg brands.
We’re hiring a Data Architect @pewresearch If you’ve got code, DB and/or visualization chops, learn more here: pewrsr.ch/U2j2ai
Non-profit Form 990 disclosures are no longer available online, because the IRS won’t get their act together. bulk.resource.org/irs.gov/eo/ter…
“If it’s supposed to act like a button, *it should be a button*”: accessibility tools in browsers don’t speak div – @joedolson #wcchi
Newspaper people, READ THIS: What if the journalism is the problem in the news business? baekdal.com/insights/what-if-qua… HT @jayrosen_nyu
Wow, @netflix, that’s kind of a dick move. developer.netflix.com/blog/read/…
shout-out to the lady on the train who interrupted my True Detective episode to ask if my iPad was a TV
Sketches: Creating the Library User Typology Quiz UI wp.me/p4ya5D-n0
Why we didn’t include the y-axis on our polarization chart: pewrsr.ch/1uftxlz
People who participate are angrier than the people who don’t. RT @voxdotcom: The single most important fact about American politics
And I thought my job title slightly understated my actual role…
HighCharts Maps Released! Looks pretty slick! highcharts.com/ @Highcharts #chstech
The Internet on your mobile device is the same Internet that’s on your desktop. Really. I promise.