Just registered for @WordCamp Philly, hoping to see a @kingkool68 session: 2014.philly.wordcamp.org/
Just registered for @WordCamp Philly, hoping to see a @kingkool68 session: 2014.philly.wordcamp.org/
guys do your social medias have enough
~ ~ ~ e n g a g e m e n t ~ ~ ~
do they
The organizational change required by a redesign is the most important and least-discussed aspect of any redesign. #unglamorous
I’m fed up with departments who act like fiefdoms, forcing users into meaningless silos, making task completion unnecessarily complex.
AT&T’s ‘Expansion’ of 1 Gbps to 100 Cities is a Big, Fat Bluff. dslreports.com/shownews/ATTs-Exp…
The greatest second in the history of ESPN -> ow.ly/vZrJD (GIF)
Found doodles: cowboy with incredible mustache & a cactus
Design Rule #1: Don’t be clever.
Design Rule #2: Be clever.
“… when I have time…”
The funniest and saddest joke.
When does luggage become baggage?
Ooooh a CLI tool for building books — github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook
Oh wait the generated CONTENT ONLY website requires JavaScript.
WordPress 3.9 “Smith” is now available with a smoother media editing experience, live widget previews, and more: wp.me/sZhYe-smith
My new business cards just came in
Daft Punk admits #1 hit song “Up All Night To Get Lucky” is actually about programming
It’s 4/11/14, which is sort of a palindrome …
There are no new jokes – only new people to tell them to.
You do not need a framework to build web apps, including mobile, if you learn the metal. Yes: it is hard. That’s why we call it “work”. 😛
Not “funny” but @xkcd visually explains how #heartbleed bug works: xkcd.com/1354/
Apparently it is sibling day… #MeMyselfandI #onlychild #spoiled #butIdontactlikeit #sorryimnotsorry #thisismorehashtagsIhavedoneallyear
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on snapchat: samirmezrahi