Classic “After Dark” screensavers, rebuilt using CSS animations:…
Been too lazy to take laundry out of the dryer for 4 days now …But my husband stayed up super late to update my website! He is AW-mazing!
RT @TimesTech ‘Many will cancel their Web subscriptions & go back to watching television.’ – The Times, 1996 #web25
Just realized with @maeveyd that next year’s Pi Day will be 3.14.15! 9:26 in the morning that day is going to be craaay! #PiDay2014
The @SunFoundation’s Data Visualization Style Guidelines are now public. Take a look:…
Design is easy it is just picking colors.
Programming is easy it is just typing.
The Monitored Man:…
Paul Taylor on the Daily Show now, sounding like every old man at a dinner party ever.
We’re hiring a graphic design assistant. Come work with us @pewresearch
Around 10% of the world’s 650 million people (and 1 in 5 Americans) have a disability. They should not be excluded as users. #easyA11y #SXSW
To the journalists chasing alleged bitcoin inventor around today: You are making the entire craft look bad.
The art of online pedantry. @PicPedant himself joins us on @BBCWorld, wearing a truly great tie.
DIVitis is a communicable disease.
Let’s face it. Our best hope for raising awareness of world events would be a “Which type of international conflict are you?” quiz.
11% of Americans think ‘HTML’ is an STD. Okay, so I sort-of agree with that ……
Do you have a project that you would like to see featured on season 9 of the Boagworld Show – Submit ideas here –
DREAM COME TRUE. TEARS OF JOY. Jurassic Park computer system in the browser: h/t @gerald_arthur
best picture graphics by @manijagak and myself oscars graphics