If Spike Jonze couldn’t win an Oscar for “Sabotage,” I’m glad he could get one for “Her.” #Oscars youtube.com/watch?v=z5rRZdiu1UE
If Spike Jonze couldn’t win an Oscar for “Sabotage,” I’m glad he could get one for “Her.” #Oscars youtube.com/watch?v=z5rRZdiu1UE
Oh God, those Frozen peoples’ voicemail greeting
You know it’s really the wind ABOVE the wings that’s important. And the shape of the airfoil. And pressure differential. #Oscars
If only Bradley’s arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars
Tim Cook: ‘When we work on making our devices accessible by the blind, I don’t consider the bloody ROI’ macobserver.com/tmo/article/tim-…
I’ve just researched the shit out of “farts.”
Archive treasure: First poll about internet in 1983 found 1.4% of Amers were online; now it’s 87% pewrsr.ch/1mIfhDy #web25
Read more long-form content.
.. Yes, this tweet is ironic.
Hat tip to @Sethrogen for speaking on Capitol Hill today about Alzheimer’s: youtube.com/watch?v=UHqx3-mfHAY (He cracked weed & sex jokes, too.)
I wonder if news people know how fucking horrible news sites really are.
“In the 48 hours after the event, Google engineers added over 20k CPU cores, 59 TB of RAM, and 4 PB of disk…” gmur.ph/MVKfYT #GAE
@kingkool68 @ataraxia_status same applies to my wife. If I’m not responsive, she doesn’t like me.
clippingmagic.com/ : Extremely handy webapp for removing image backgrounds
Far too many ‘programming tutorials’ are like this:
Girl, I love you like a toddler loves boogers.
Love it! A whole website dedicated to bad form design bit.ly/1gHG9hM
Can we stop labeling things as “interactive.” Just stop. That’s like saying, “Internet Map: You can click it.”
McGruff the Crime Dog actor sentenced to 16 years in prison on drugs, weapons charges. talkingpointsmemo.com/news/mcgru…
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iMovie 10 is pretty horrible. Never use it.