im living in hell

im living in hell
My top web accessibility pet peeve – links that are only distinguishable by color. Not everyone can do that. Put a damn line underneath.
Anyone hitting @washingtonpost paywall trying to get our updates: links from Twitter and Facebook bypass it. Thanks for reading.
ouch. RT @carriehd: Quite possibly a top 10 worst form design.
Can anyone beat @worrydream ‘s 404 page? t.co/CEZLZOak28
It’s important.
At what point did accessibility become something separate from user experience. I must have missed that memo.
LIFE CHANGING “@vboykis: OSX Terminal: hold option and click a position in the current line to move your cursor to that position #yearslost”
The panic over people being able to send me email via Google+ is ridiculous. Any asshat can send you email. Just filter it.
Do as I say, not as I do. Wait. No. Do as I do, not as I say. Wait. No. Do as I tweet, not as…
Please just ignore me.
Dope remix from @MSSLCMMND @DanielBiltmore soundcloud.com/msslcmmnd/gas-ped… #bayarea #hellathickshakeitlikearednose
My weakest life skill is human interaction.
I wonder if the NYT even wants to succeed. They could have fit billions of ads and share tools in that white space.
The infinite conference call simulator conferencecall.biz/ via @EllieSemantic
We’re baaaack! The date is set for #TCamp14: Join us May 30-31, in Washington, DC!
RT and sign up for info >>> transparencycamp.org/
Welp, the web was fun while it lasted. RT @w3c: Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. joined W3C
“@Gizmodo: Here’s how ridiculous this year’s CES will look in 2034 gizmo.do/6SEFis3 ” WEARABLES 1.0 #CES
The supermarket is full of roombas dressed as people.
Screen shots of computer code moviecode.tumblr.com/
Repeat after us: Winter storm ≠ end of global warming ow.ly/sf0Af Listen up, @realDonaldTrump, @drudge, @EWerickson
A journalistic collaboration dedicated to exploring the impact—human, environmental, economic, political—of a changing climate.