Guess who doesn’t have to worry about camouflage for the next couple days? #ThisGuy #SnowStorm
Guess who doesn’t have to worry about camouflage for the next couple days? #ThisGuy #SnowStorm
So perfect csvconf.com/
So true. Infinite scrolling isn’t a great UX choice in many scenarios. xkcd.com/1309/
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 #math
non-developer discovers the web inspector while on facebook i.imgur.com/MMtWaIK.png
what did you get for christmas??
i got a function but i think i’m going to return it;
Looks like a 90s sitcom intro “@BaltimorePolice: Check out our new #ASaferBaltimore logo. What do you think? ”
Study: Do readers prefer parallaxed stories? No. fastcodesign.com/3023690/evidenc…
For the record, you guys have made 2013 so fun on social media. Just kidding. We are all wasting our lives!!!
I want to go to there RT @SarahNEmerson: Hi, there’s an aquarium where you can shake hands with otters
Seriously can’t believe how awesome this video is: vigedoh.com/
We pride ourselves on democratizing the web, so we need to step up and make our plugins and themes accessible. Thank you.
Always wanted to travel back in time to try fighting a younger version of yourself? Software development is the career for you!
Version 3.8 “Parker” is available with a redesigned, responsive admin, theme browser, and a new magazine theme: wordpress.org/news/2013/12/parke…
whoa, a way to send people pictures in private messages this is such disruptive innovation
Android 4.4.1 is coming to help you take better pictures vrge.co/19jigGQ
“If you are Esquire’s web designer, please find another career.
Stop. Stop hurting the internet.” ow.ly/rqaMc
Video – Please don’t do this the next time you shoot a wedding… or ever: goo.gl/qhyIxZ
Flashback Friday! This is from 2002 when we spent Thanksgiving in Ocean City. This was also the first… instagram.com/p/hTIugKxzbE/