Wondering how many people will get iPad Airs and then immediately slip them into giant cases the size of Trapper Keepers.
Wondering how many people will get iPad Airs and then immediately slip them into giant cases the size of Trapper Keepers.
So @ednapiranha made this kind of amazing gif-y real-time chat room thing: chat.meatspac.es/ (tons of WebRTC goodness)
WordPress 3.7 is available with magical auto-updates, better localization, smarter password meters, and more: wordpress.org/news/2013/10/basie…
With 2 lines of code, the @internetarchive will intercept 404s on your site and send visitors to a cached copy. Wow! blog.archive.org/2013/10/24/web-…
Introducing Snap.svg: The Next
Generation JavaScript Library for SVG Graphics blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2013…
There some really original and innovative design work going on in the productivity app space.
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Two front page stories today about software glitches. This shit ain’t easy, kids.
Writing tip: Write.
“Let’s say fewer things but be more correct about them.” – Nate Silver of @fivethirtyeight #ONA13 #ONA13Silver
Good point via @mcunningham8: “Not all content is sociable or actionable.” #ona13 #analytics4news
I love that @ConvergeRVA’s speaker lineup is almost entirely made up of people I’ve never heard speak before.
Everyone take a moment to hike up and re-tighten the ever-drooping armrests on your $600 office chair.
When is someone going to open a grocery that sells only donuts and bagels and call it Hole Foods? #thankyou #Imhereallinternet
Can we take a moment to appreciate what T-Mobile is doing? pdog.ws/1fnh9Nh by @PhoneDog_Anna
what if miley cyrus was banksy?
This boy sure knows how to name an owl
A Fox News reporter, relaxing at home:
It’s a pretty douche move when we suggest “Just use X” when discussing a particular issue with a CMS: css-tricks.com/just-use-insert-c…
Why Chris Coyier still loves WordPress: css-tricks.com/just-use-insert-c… #web #design #dev
Freight/Transit design, foresight, and product strategy at GE Transportation, acquired by Wabtec; Insta: transfuturists; Speaker and workshop facilitator. (he)