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An update on Wordle
When I die I want coding stickers on my urn
I just read most of an article before the paywall finally kicked in and this is probably the first time I was thankful for slow JavaScript on a website
the short answer to this question
@TheBlackNerd When I was a bartender, there were a couple of college kids at one end of the bar arguing about whether they’d rather be shot or stabbed, when an old guy who was just quietly drinking well whiskey said “stabbing hurts worse when it happens, gettin’ shot hurts worse the next day”.
To replace programmers with Robots, clients will have to accurately describe what they want.
We’re safe.
WordPress 5.9 is available for download! Named after international jazz vocalist Josephine Baker, this release represents the work of more than 600 contributors and comes with a host of new tools. #WordPress wordpress.org/news/2022/01/josep…
When I was your age, this was Wordle
Server side render everything
amazon.com is server side rendered and has no client side rendering framework. The potential latency hit didn’t justify it.
We were stuck with jQuery 1.6.4 😬
SSR React wasn’t fast enough for us. This blew my mind.
“Oh my God, JavaScript, stop trying to make .fetch() happen”
– Mean cURLs
The array’s reduce() method is so named for what it does to your understanding of the code.
I’m delighted that JS framework folks are now championing progressive enhancement and serving content in HTML.
Although, I’m a little sad about all the insults and dismissal I received for pointing this stuff out throughout the last 10 years.
Bugfoot: a bug that cannot be reproduced and has only been sighted by a single person. #programming
The interview should resemble the job. Which means that yes, some companies should absolutely continue making candidates code in front of a condescending jackass who belittles them over trivia.
Junior dev: “I fucked up bad, I’m so fired”
Senior dev: ” I have 3 production outages named after me lol”
@kingkool68 we just missed the 15 year anniversary of this great tweet. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/26…
When you use an arrow function instead of a regular function:
Checking the DOM for a class? Quick lesson on state variable and cycling thru an array, digging into @chriscoyier’s lil code block youtube.com/watch?v=hXrHZ_LSzkk
Designer, Developer @FictiveKin. JavaScript & logos @metafizzyco. Made Masonry, Flickity, & Isotope