Pretty amazing mash-up between @m83news and @beastieboys – Midnight Galactic – #musicforcoding
The October WordPressDC meetup will be 1 week later then usual. Join us when @chexee from talks…
I’d like to see more offensive tweets from major appliance brands, not less.
You could start paying for another social network. Or you could move the conversation back to the best social network of all: your own site.
Apparently “Siri , end phone call” is not a recognizable command. And also the other person can hear you.
There are cat people… and then there are cat people who make fake facebook accounts for their cats…
We are redoing our powder room! Russell and my dad demo’d the walls … here is Russell showing off his new
Introducing Post Forking for WordPress — a more collaborative approach to content curation:
Truncation is not a content strat… – @karenmcgrane
The Maps will continue until morale improves.
@RWD @jensimmons The way it’s often used, display:none is like throwing everything into the closet when visitors are coming over.
Metrics aren’t useful unless they’re actionable. #ONA12 #ONAImpact
you know that kid at the arcade who’s just watching the demo and pressing the buttons like they’re playing? that’s how i handle adulthood
The. Polls. Have. Stopped. Making. Any. Sense.
BREAKING: The entire region is now under a tornado watch warning until 6:25 p.m.
girl: “we took the wrong bus, could you let is off?” driver: “sing me a song” girl: “I like big butts and I cannot lie…” driver opens door
After installing @typekit, elements are ‘flashing’ when a @jQuery animate() event fires. Does anyone know how to fix that? #javascript #help
.@dcist praises the Examiner’s unerring front page news judgment.
Here she is, boys: Demographic stats on 6 different social networking sites plus more – HAVE AT IT!!!
Some people retweet too much.