Just passed @kingkool68 on the street commuting. No words necessary. Fist bump.
Went to a meetup in DC and @greglinch wasn’t there. I am confused.
Self checkout makes me want to punch a baby!
When your brand “remembers” 9/11, it exploits 9/11. Please be quiet.
ohai new jqfundamentals.com bit.ly/Nkon7x
Ordered. twitpic.com/at9kod #notsrs
GoDaddy Outage Takes Down Millions Of Sites tcrn.ch/QyAlfq by @klintron
i only just now discovered cashcats.biz
Nice. RT @clickonITtoo: Content strategy ties your information together in a way the enterprise can understand and support.”
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a comprehensive report on your backgrounds, passions & plans! The 2011 survey results: bit.ly/Qj9Et0
60 years of American economic history, told in one powerful graph: theatlantic.com/business/print/2…
Say hello to the new default #WordPress theme, Twenty Twelve bit.ly/RVIQlK
Are you a web developer? This is much bigger than the Facebooks: is.gd/OcCUL3
We are suffering from information overload. Recent design trends toward simpler, more focused experiences are just the beginning IMO.
Programming: Spending 4 hours considering yourself quite clever, followed by a short yet somber realization that you’re actually a moron.
Take our new Political Party Quiz and find out where you fit along the partisan spectrum pewrsr.ch/OAdpc3
*MASSIVE AD COVERS PHONE SCREEN* “Would you like to download our app???” FUCKING NO; nor will I visit your shit website again, you cuntcunt.
Hard to believe it’s come to this (scroll down): img.skitch.com/20120823-p5fye7nu…
“We only have the budget for a new homepage…” banff.ca/
Use the aria-label attribute when doing webfont icons! mzl.la/P9QnYf