Some interesting, transparent user testing of the WordPress admin UI:…
iOS Blog: Facebook Abandoning HTML5 to Speed Up iOS App
On my way to see @halvorson at a content strategy meetup here in DC. Yes, Washington has content strategists.
Before using a hashtag, ask yourself why you’re doing it. If you don’t have a good reason, don’t do it.
So often the barrier to great work is simply the lack of courage to start badly.
Spectacular visualization by @pewresearch of the rising Asian American population in the US Made w/ #TileMill + MapBox
Why links should never say ‘click here’
Web Developers — we’re looking for smart people with WordPress, Javascript, PHP and MySQL chops @pewresearch
well played, internet.
ONE STEP CLOSER!!! The bank accepted our offer on the short sale! Wooo hoo! that is all. h/t @alexnazarov
Meanwhile, in corporate America, workers are running Windows XP at a blurry non-native resolution on sub-par LCD screens.
More than you ever wanted to know about bacon @katelinsmash…
WordPress 3.4 is here! Update your site now to try the new theme customizer, better headers, HTML captions & more:
But they seriously need to stop using Sandusky as a hashtag. Everybody just fucking stop it with the hashtags.
If you are (still) using Internet Explorer: (a) Why?? (b) You NEED to close an ACTIVELY exploited hole ASAP:
Thanks again to @addthis for all the food and drinks last night and @fathomcreative for the space. We hope you had a great time. #ossbbq
Whats New in WordPress 3.4:…
Smart App Banners: ‘Cause you guys sucked at figuring out how to promote apps from your mobile sites.