“This isn’t print design” I wish more people would realize that! #convergese
I Happy, are you? #convergese
How I attacked myself using Google Spreadsheets and I ramped up a $1000 bandwidth bill behind-the-enemy-lines.com/2012/…
Why why why do people recommend this? #headdesk RT @catswhocode: How to disable plugin updates on your WordPress blog bit.ly/I6Wzkx
Mexican immigration to US at standstill after 4-decade surge, according to Pew Hispanic Center report – @Reuters on.msnbc.com/IzEtF8
LEGO rooms photographed to look like full-sized spaces: j.mp/ILIvJr
Seriously, @WordPress is just the bees knees!
Awesome stair design that incorporates a wheelchair ramp bit.ly/HWQXZN
Watch people use your products. It’s more useful than any analytics or data. @Cennydd #bdconf
Employees must wash their hands before returning to their shitty jobs.
Hey everyone, can you please stop with web fonts on mobile experiences? I’m tired of seeing a blank page for the first 5 seconds.
Design is a process, not a deliverable.
When cutting and pasting a sentence from a news site, has anyone ever kept in the “Read more: URL” thing it forces you to copy? Anyone ever?
condoms prevent minivans.
I feel so thankful to have both set of parents come to view a house w. us! They gave us the best advice & inspected every inch to help us.
nothing gets me to hit command-w faster than an infographic
what is this i don’t even groupon.com/pages/kidz-club
Gave original Lightbox2 page a fresh coat of paint. Still gets traffic! lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightb…
Rewrote script in Coffeescript/jQuery for fun.
4:04 PM Time Not Found
Nationwide Carriers Join Forces To Battle Smartphone Theft, Hallelujah dlvr.it/1QXSPj